How do sports clubs and associations finance their activities in Sweden?

Bingo and lottery

Just as in many other countries Swedish sports clubs and associations need funds. One way to get funds into the account is to have members pay fees. This does however not cover all costs a club have during the year, and they need to look elsewhere for money. We have asked around to see what ways Swedish clubs use to raise funds, and maybe your sports club, boyscouts or other association can get ideas on how to raise funds of your own. 

Top 3 ways to raise money

  1. In Sweden, clubs and sports are financed by lotteries. One of the largest sources of income is a huge lottery called "Postkodslotteriet" where Swedes can win money if their zip-code is drawn in a weekly raffle. The second largest is "Bingolotto" which is a game of Bingo, broadcasted on national television. "Postkodslotteriet" donates a certain percent of their earnings to clubs, and "Bingolotto" let clubs earn money by selling bingo cards every week. Read more about Swedish lotteries at
  2. Flea markets is another popular way of funding the activities. Once or twice a year, often in combination with celebrating eather christmas, midsummer or other festivities, associations collect stuff to sell. All earnings goes towards the club, and members have to help selling stuff. 
  3. Chores for elderly and/or needy is something that is both highly appreciated and generats a good income for the assoiation or sports club. The downside is that it is time consuming. A few scout associations in Sweden advertise this service locally, and the ones getting help can pay whatever they can afford. 
5 Jun 2019